Monday, January 28, 2008

I Am So Confused

I have no idea about all this new-fangled blogging shit. While it is fun to play, I have some serious memories to replay. So please bear with me as I fool about. Things change, I change. I reflect. I mediate. I remove.

I change.

Maybe it is this new font. Maybe it is the computer. Maybe an avatar or two. I just don't know. I feel strange.

I feel different.

It's a passing fancy.

Tired. Lonely. Sad. Disconnected.

I miss my old friends.

So, I look forward to new friends.

And maybe I should stop writing in one line sentences.

More to follow.

Lines and paragraphs of my pitiful life.

I am Learning

I haven't used "Blogger" before, so the page will suck. So will the words. It will all suck! Life sucks. Maybe that should be the title of this blog. "Life Sucks." Not with an exclamation mark. Just a general ideation. However, I have a feeling that others have either used the title or at least, write about that general subject.

And I don't feel that life sucks.

So There!

Shape of Things Revealed

I can edit posts!!!

I didn't know.

I am such a dweeb.